The Sunday of St. Thomas (Antipascha)


Before the ninth hour the royal doors and the deacon’s doors are shut.


Ninth Hour: Priest: Blessed is our God.

Reader: Christ is risen x3.*

Trisagion to Our Father.

O come let us worship and the three usual psalms. Troparion: Resurrection, Tone 8 (From on high didst Thou descend); Kontakion of Pascha (When Thou didst descend unto death, O Life Immortal).


*From this day through the Apodosis of Pascha, at those services that have a full beginning (for example, the Third and Ninth hours), after the blessing, instead of Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee, we instead say: Amen. Christ is risen x3, and then the Trisagion to Our Father, as usual, including O come let us worship. At those services that normally begin with O come let us worship (for example, the 1st and 6th hours and Vespers when it immediately follows the 9th hour), instead of O come let us worship, we say Christ is risen x3.


Great Vespers: Priest: Glory to the Holy. Choir: Amen.

Priest: Christ is risen 2 ˝ times. The Choir sings: And upon those in the tombs bestowing life, and then the select verses of Psalm 103. The Litany of peace.

Blessed is the man.

Lord I have Cried, Tone 1, Pentecostarion on 10 (While the disciples were gathered); G/N: Pentecostarion (Thou didst come to Thy disciples, O Christ).

Entry; O Gladsome Light; Prokimenon of the day, Tone 6: The Lord is King;

Litia: Pentecostarion (The Lord, by the unendurable brilliance of Thy Divinity); G/N (While the doors were shut).

Aposticha: Pentecostarion (O strange wonder), G/N: Pentecostarion (O Lover of mankind).

At the blessing of the loaves, the Troparion: Whilst the tomb was sealed x3; Blessed be the name of the Lord; I will bless the Lord at all times; Priest: The blessing of  the Lord be upon you.


Matins: Choir: Christ is risen x3.

Reader: Glory to God in the highest; and the 6 psalms as usual.

God is the Lord, Tone 7; Troparion: Whilst the tomb was sealed x2; G/N: repeat troparion x1.

After each Kathisma, Sessional hymns from the Pentecostarion.

Polyeleos and the Magnification: We magnify Thee, O Christ the Giver of life, who for our sakes hast descended into hades, and with Thyself hast resurrected all. Psalm verse: The Lord is King, He is clothed with majesty. The Evlogitaria (The assembly of angels was amazed) are not sung.

Small Litany; The Sessional  Hymn (Since thou seest my side and the nail’s prints).

Hymns of Ascents, First Antiphon, Tone 4: From my youth; and the Prokimenon, Tone 4: Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem; praise thy God, O Zion.

Matins Gospel 1, Matthew 28:16-20 (§116).

Having beheld the resurrection x3; Psalm 50; G: Through the prayers of the apostles; N: Through the prayers of the Theotokos; Have mercy on me, O God; Jesus having risen; Save, O God, Thy people.


Canon:      Pentecostarion                12                          Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

                   Irmos: Let us all sing a song of victory.

                   Katavasia: It is the day of resurrection.


After Ode 3, Hypakoe from the Pentecostarion (Even as Thou camest in the midst of Thy disciples).

After Ode 6, Kontakion (With his searching right hand) and Ikos from the Pentecostarion.

At Ode 9, we do not sing More Honorable; but instead we immediately begin the Irmos of the ninth Ode (O thou shining lamp, O Mother of God).

Holy is the Lord, our God.  

Exapostilaria: Pentecostarion (With thy hand thou has searched out My wounds); G/N: Pentecostarion (On this day Spring is fragrant).

Praises, Tone 1: Pentecostarion 4 (As Thou didst not violate the seals of the tomb); G: Pentecostarion (Eight days after Thine arising); N: Most blessed art thou. After the Great Doxology, Troparion: Whilst the tomb was sealed; the two remaining Litanies and Resurrectional dismissal (which is preceded by “Glory…; Both now…; Lord, have mercy. x3; Father (Master), Bless (as usual); After the dismissal: G/N: Gospel Sticheron; followed by First Hour.


Hours: Troparia: Pentecostarion; Kontakion: Pentecostarion.


At the entrance prayers before the Liturgy, instead of O Heavenly King, we read Christ is risen from the dead x3; and the other prayers as usual.


Liturgy: Priest: Blessed is the Kingdom. Choir: Amen.

Priest: Christ is risen 2 ˝ times. The Choir sings: And upon those in the tombs bestowing life.* Litany of Peace. The Typical Psalms.

Beatitudes on 8, Pentecostarion: 4, from Ode 3; and 4, from Ode 6.

After the entrance: Troparion: Whilst the tomb was sealed; G/N: Kontakion: With his searching right hand.

Prokimenon, Tone 3: Great is our Lord, and great is His strength, and of His understanding there is no measure.

Epistle: Acts 5:12-20 (§14).

Alleluia, Tone 8.

Gospel: John 20:19-31 (§65).

Instead of It is truly meet, we sing the refrain The angel cried, with the Irmos of the ninth Ode of Pascha (Shine, shine).

Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem; praise thy God, O Zion.

When the priest says With the fear of God, the Choir sings Blessed is He that cometh. When the priest says Save, O God, the Choir sings Christ is risen from the dead (slowly) instead of We have seen the true light (and this is done until the Apodosis of Pascha). At the priest’s exclamation, Always, now and ever, the Choir sings: Amen. Let our mouths be filled with Thy praise. At the dismissal, when the priest says: Glory to Thee, O Christ God; the Choir sings Christ is risen x3 instead of Glory… Both now… Father bless!  Then the priest gives the Resurrectional Dismissal **


*All liturgies begin in the same way, until the Apodosis of Pascha.


**It is incorrect to sing Christ is risen from the dead before the dismissal at Vigil. At Vigil, we sing the regular Glory… both now…, etc. The triple Christ is risen from the dead is sung only before the dismissal at Liturgy, and this is done at every liturgy until the Apodosis of Pascha.


Vespers: Priest: Blessed is our God. Reader: Amen. Christ is risen x3. Psalm 103 is read. Great Litany.

        Lord, I have cried, Tone 1, on 6: Pentecostarion 3 (As Thou didst not violate the seals of the tomb); Hieromartyr 3 (O Antipas, thou wast a sacred martyr – April 11, Hieromartyr Antipas); G/N: Pentecostarion (While the disciples were gathered).

        Entry; O Gladsome Light; Great Prokimenon, Tone 7: What God is as great as our God? Thou art God Who workest wonders.

        Litany: Let us all say; Vouchsafe, O Lord; Litany: Let us complete our evening prayer.

        Aposticha: Pentecostarion (Accept our evening prayers), G/N: Pentecostarion (Eight days after Thine arising). Trisagion to Our Father. Troparion: Pentecostarion (Whilst the tomb was sealed); Resurrectional Dismissal.