The Texts of the Variable Portions for Typika in Upcoming Weeks

(All the additional texts you will need to do Typika on these days)


Sunday, December 29th n.s. / December 16th o.s.

Sunday, January 5th n.s. / December 23rd o.s.

Tuesday, January 7th n.s. / December 25th o.s.

Sunday, January 12th n.s. / December 30th o.s.

Tuesday, January 14th n.s. / January 1st o.s.

Wednesday, January 15th n.s. / January 2nd o.s.:

    St. Seraphim of Sarov

    St. Juliana of Lazarevo

Saturday, January 18th n.s. / January 5th o.s.

Sunday, January 19th n.s. / January 6th o.s.

Monday, January 20th n.s. / January 7th o.s.

Sunday, January 26th n.s. / January 13th o.s.

Sunday, February 2nd n.s. / January 20th o.s.

Sunday, February 9th n.s. / January 27th o.s.

Wednesday, February 12th n.s. / January 30th o.s.



To Order the 2025 St. Innocent Liturgical Calendar, click here


Note: The order of the Troparia and Kontakia given are for a Temple dedicated to a saint.  If your Temple is dedicated to a feast of the Lord, or of the Theotokos, the order will usually be different, so consult the Rubrics Page.


What if I am doing Typika at home with just my family, and so there is no Temple to have a patron for?



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