February 20th, 2022
Stump the Priest: Question: “Why does the Orthodox Church teach many sacraments, and that they bestow grace, when the New Testament only speaks of two sacraments as only memorials: Communion and Baptism?” Click here for the Answer.
If you have a question you would like to ask, e-mail frjohnwhiteford@gmail.com
Saints of the Day for Sunday and the coming week, and other edifying reading:
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Propers for the Sunday Liturgy (Sunday, February 20th):
You can find propers for other upcoming Liturgies by clicking here, and upcoming Rubrics for services by clicking here.
Schedule of Service for the Coming Week:
Saturday, February 27th | 5:00 p.m. Vigil |
Sunday, February 28th | 9:00 a.m. Hours and Liturgy |
Notice of Annual Parish Meeting: In accordance with the By-Laws of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, notice is hereby given that St. Jonah Orthodox Church will hold its Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, February 20, 2021, immediately following Divine Services. All Orthodox Christians of both sexes, regardless of their nationality, who have reached the age of 21 years, have declared their membership by completing a membership form; who financially support the Church, who make their confession and take Holy Communion not less than once a year; and who tend to the moral and economic welfare of the parish may become parish members and vote at the Annual Parish Meeting. If by the time scheduled for the meeting, the parish members present should fail to constitute the required quorum, another Annual Parish Meeting shall be convened one hour later on the same day which meeting shall be considered valid in the presence of any number of attending parish members.
Review Reports for the Meeting: To review the minutes from the 2021 Annual Meeting, the Proposed Budget, and the various reports that have been submitted in writing, click here.
Remote Participation in the Annual Meeting: If you will not be able to attend the meeting in person, but would like to participate online, send a text message on Sunday morning, prior to 11:00 a.m. to 281-467-0264. In your text, state your name (or names, if more than one member of the parish will be logging in with you) and that you are checking in for the Annual Meeting. Then log in to Google Meets by 12:15 p.m. at this link: https://meet.google.com/aig-qurm-qss When the meeting begins, you will be allowed to watch and listen to it as soon as we begin. If you have a question or a comment at any point, text 281-467-0264 to let Fr. John Whiteford know.
The Event Planning Committee will be meeting after Sunday School on Sunday, February 27th to plan the Marriage Seminar in June.
We will have our next Bible Study on the Book of Acts on Tuessday, March 1st, at 7:00 p.m. We will have Small Compline at 6:15 p.m., followed by refreshments and then start the Bible Study at 7:00 p.m. However, for those who cannot come in person, they can participate via Google Meets by logging in at 7:00 p.m. at this link: https://meet.google.com/nih-dcms-aio.
The next online Catechumen Meeting will be Wednesday, February 23rd, at 7:00 p.m. and will be held via Google Meets: https://meet.google.com/tjc-fcyr-fwk
The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Wednesday, March 23rd, at 7:00 p.m.
The next Slavonic Liturgy will be Saturday, March 12th, at 9:00 a.m.
You will find texts for reader services that you can do at home through the First Sunday of Lent (March 13th), here:
Sisterhood News: The next Sisterhood meeting will be held on Thursday, March 17th, at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.
Bookstore News: Vigil Coffee Roasters. Fresh, batch roasted, single origin coffee available in the bookstore for $18/bag. If you are interested in subscriptions, contact Christopher Morgan at vessoul1@me.com or 314-795-3897.
Parish Finances:
Calendar year to date total (01 January thru 31 December 2021):
Tithes: $194,622.00
Building Fund: $272,883.00
For December 2021:
Tithes: $15,977.00
Building Fund: $760.00
Average Monthly Expenses $13,252.00
Recommended Reading for the week:
You can read “The Clairvoyance of Elder Archimandrite John (Krestiankin), Part 1,” here:
Recommended Listening for the week:
You can listen to the sermon “The Inheritance of God’s Presence – Prodigal Son 2021,” by Fr. Josiah Trenham, here:
This Sunday: 2/20/22 (No Fast): Parish Council.
Next Sunday: 2/27/22 (No Fast): The de Carions, Jacksons, and William Osinski.
Cleaning Teams:
Currently: (Ending on): 2/20/22 – Team Kara.
Next (Ending on): 3/6/22 – Team Dee Dee.
Vigil Reader:
This Saturday: 2/19/22: Rdr. Gabriel Peña.
Next Saturday: 2/27/22: Rdr. James Hall.
Liturgy Reader:
This Sunday: 2/20/22: Rdr. Gabriel Peña.
Next Sunday: 2/28/22: Rdr. James Hall.
Servers (Not including Adult Servers):
This Sunday: 2/20/22: Team B: Padraig McIsaac, Ezra Wilkinson, Ezekiel Wilkinson, Alex Kettner and Andrew Kettner.
Next Sunday: 2/28/22: Team A: Jonah Companik, Daniel Companik, Jens Yates, Nikolai Pino, Maksim Pino, Eric Lickwar, Ivan Kuzmin.
Commemorations from the past week:
Kevin Shaw’s birthday – Wednesday, February 16th.
Joan Marie (Johanna) & Rdr. Steven Pennings’ wedding anniversary – Thursday, February 17th.
Fr. Vladimir Trussin & Eden Mia Morgan’s Birthday – Friday, February 18th.
Constantine Craig & Melissa (Mary) Holloway’s birthday – Saturday, February 19th.
Bayla Breanne Walling’s (Catechumen) Birthday – Sunday, February 20th.
If you have corrections or additions, e-mail frjohnwhiteford@gmail.com
Prayer Requests:
For the Servants of God, Archimandrite Benedict (Nelson); Archpriest Andre Papkov; Thekla Podrasky; Ann (Eleanor) Wandke; Ann (Sonia) Shepherd; Subdeacon Romanos and Zoe Wren; Denise (Leslie) Barnett; Marina Watson; Demetra Durham; Sophia (Cynthia) Hirsch; Joan Marie Pennings; Katherine Garbett Casanova; Renee (Ann) Nahlous; Merilee (Mary) Eidson; Rozanne (Anne) and Jerry (John Herman) Spires; Michael Murphy; Valentin, Rada and Florentina, Sophia Petropoulos, Olga, (Barrett (Nathaniel) Mahand, and John Gentry, who are ill.
For Nikolai, who is struggling.
For the safety and salvation of those in Kiev: Vladimir, Yelena, Tatiana, Alexei, Maria, Ivan, and Artem.
For the newly reposed Fr. James Rosselli, Mary Frow, and the Orthodox who have perished in the pandemic, and those slain in the violence in Syria, Lebanon, Ukraine, and the Holy Land.
Expectant Mothers:
Daria Pino, Xenia Evind, Lydia Martin, Nina Bernardi.
Jonathan Cantao, Jessica Kravtsov, Piotr Fraczek, Tyler Barrett, Annie Nowak, Danny Gonzalez, Jayden DeRosia, George Hixson, Jennifer Diaz, Michael Mahoney, Howard Segal, Ryan Thomas, Ben Dixon, Michelle Jimenez, Jeff Gallagher, Alyson Good, Max Goldmann, Vanessa Canterbury, and the Powell (James, Katie, James, Everett, Charles, Russel, Henry, and Samson) and Walling (Levi, Avie, Mac, Wells, Bayla) families.
For the Servants of God, Aiden, Shawna Hiu; Misty; Harold Wren; Melissa Munster (Moses Munster’s mother); Heather Tolliver (Melissa Holloway’s daughter); Pam Morris (Eleanor’s niece); Zee Eidson, Michael and Brenda Eidson, for the child Mason Eidson, Gene and Beth Beggs, Scott and Carol Phillips, Jerald Spires, Anthony Osinski, Shane and Tami Peacock, Larry West, Erik Minor, and Vanessa Canterbury who are ill.
For Aki and family; and Johnnie, Damon and Elisabeth Myers, and their child, Dorothy, Scott and Shannon Eidson and their family, James Franklin and his family, Wayne Bo Peacock, Vince Powell, and his child, Rex, Richard, Teresa.
The newly reposed Anthony Osinski (William Osinski’s father).
If you have prayer requests you would like announced, please e-mail frjohnwhiteford@gmail.com
Sunday School:
No Sunday School this Week, due to the Annual Parish Meeting
The Schedule for February 2022 and Great Lent:
You can also see our online parish calendar of events and services here:
Fasting in the Coming week: Wednesday, February 23rd is a normal fast day. On Friday, February 25th, fish, wine, and oil are permitted. All other days are fast free.
Click here for Miscellaneous Items of Interest.
St. Jonah Orthodox Church
2910 Spring Cypress Rd, Spring, TX 77388