February 9th, 2020
Stuff from the Priest: Sermons on Psalm 118[119] Click here for the Article.
If you have a question you would like to ask, e-mail frjohnwhiteford@gmail.com
Saints of the Day for Sunday and the coming week, and other edifying reading:
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Propers for the Sunday Liturgy:
Propers for the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord:
You can find propers for other upcoming Liturgies by clicking here, and upcoming Rubrics for services by clicking here.
Schedule of Service for the Coming Week:
Sunday, February 9th | 9:00 a.m. Hours and Liturgy.
2:00 p.m. Wedding. |
Friday, February 14th | 6:30 p.m. Vigil of the Meeting of the Lord. |
Saturday, February 15th | 9:00 a.m. Hours & Liturgy of the Meeting of the Lord.
5:00 p.m. Vigil (with confession during and following the Vigil). |
Sunday, February 16th | 9:00 a.m. Hours and Liturgy. |
The Choir will have a rehearsal on Sunday, February 9th, after Sunday School.
We will take a special collection for the Diocesan Seminary Fund.
The tentative House Blessing Schedule is posted here: https://saintjonah.org/bltn/houseblessings2020.htm
If you wish to change the date your home will be blessed, please speak to Fr. John. Also, if your home has never been blessed, we can bless it before Theophany. Also, if you do not mind having your home blessed during a week day (as opposed to doing it the evening), let Fr. John know that too.
Our Annual Parish Meeting will be held after the Liturgy on Sunday, February 23rd. If you are an Orthodox Christian, 21 years old or older, and have become of a member of the parish, you can participate in the Annual Meeting. All committee reports need to be submitted by February 15th, and will be distributed to the parish electronically. If you are unsure if you are a member, please speak to Fr. John Whiteford.
Sisterhood: The Sisterhood will hold a general meeting on February 16th, after Sunday School. Anyone who is, or desires to be, a part of the Sisterhood is welcome. We will be voting on our Sisterhood Council members-at-large, so anyone who wants to make a nomination needs to submit the name to Merilee Eidson before the 16th.
Bookstore: The bookstore has been restocked with children’s books, lenten reading, car icons and crosses, wooden wall crosses as well as Paschal gifts.
Parish Finances:
Fiscal year to date total (01 March thru 31 December 2019):
Tithes: $134,650.02
Building Fund: $12,125.00
For December 2019:
Tithes: $19,621.00
Building Fund: $426.00
Average Monthly Expenses $11,205.00
Recommended Reading for the week:
You can read “Antichrist,” from the Optina Patericon, here:
Recommended Listening for the week:
You can listen to the Sermon: “Salvation, Light, and Glory – The Great Feast of the Presentation of the Lord 2020” by Fr. Josiah Trenham, here:
This Sunday: 2/9/20 (No fast) – Rebecca Clayton, Alexander Liepman, and the Pino and Rafaelano families.
Next Sunday: 2/16/20 (No fast) – Rosa Mahand, and the Wilkinson and Ivanov families.
Cleaning Teams:
Currently: (Ending on): 2/9/20 – Team Rosa.
Next (Ending on): 2/23/20 – Team Kara.
Vigil Reader:
This Saturday: 2/8/20: Rdr. Demitri Likomitros.
Next Saturday: 2/15/20: Rdr. James Hall.
Liturgy Reader:
This Sunday: 2/9/20: Rdr. Demitri Likomitros.
Next Sunday: 2/16/20: Rdr. James Hall.
Commemorations from the past week:
Maksim Pino, Maximus Solis, Jonathan (Maximus) Companik, Garrett (Maximus) Eidson and Maxim Singh’s Name day; Elizabeth Whiteford & Rdr. Steven Pennings’ birthday – Monday, February 3rd.
Fernando (Gabriel) Maldonado’s birthday – Tuesday, February 4th.
Rishi Singh’s Name Day – Wednesday, February 5th.
Oksana Mahecha; Ksenia Nation, Olesya Kettner, Xenia Galitzine & Ksenia Gutzke’s Name day – Thursday, February 6th.
Gregory Anderson & Gregory Solis’ Name Day – Friday, February 7th
Ruth Lichang Rafaelano Xu’s Birthday; Archbishop Peter and Lydia Holt’s Name Day – Sunday February 9th.
If you have corrections or additions, e-mail frjohnwhiteford@gmail.com
Prayer Requests:
For the Servants of God, Archimandrite Ioann (Magram), Archpriest Andre Papkov, Hieromonk Ambrose, Archpriest Emil Hutnyan, Archpriest Anthony Nelson, Archpriest George Brooks, Archpriest John Maxwell, Matushka Debra Maxwell; Damon Sams, Matushka Parasceva Brooks, Matushka Olympia Sibley, Matushka Margarita Pardo, Thekla Podrasky, Ann (Eleanor) Wandke, Ann (Sonia) Shepherd, Elizabeth (Lori) Hritz, Zoe Wren, Denise (Leslie) Barnett, Vera Zegarac, Kathryn, Sophia, Marina Watson, Billy (Jean) Holloway, Demetra Durham, Sarah (Anna) Herzog, Cassie Hunt, Joseph Reynolds, Mike (Apollos) McBride, Yelena Yegorova, Galina Lay, Sophia (Cynthia) Hirsch, Demetra; Panagyiota; Georgia; Nathaniel Barrett Mahand; Elizabeth Kowasic; Joan Marie Pennings; Robert Carlisle; James Marsh; Anna; Oleg; Larissa; Evdokia; George; Nectarius; Joshua Gonzales; Mary Saad; Katherine Garbett Casanova; Ivan Tschebotarjew; Renee (Ann) Nahlous; Isaac Swett; Merilee (Mary) Eidson; Georgy; Valentina Kramareva; Tomas Maldonado, and Child Irene Harrington, who are ill.
For Nicholas.
For Nikolai, who is struggling.
For the safety and salvation of those in Kiev: Vladimir, Yelena, Tatiana, Alexei, Maria, Ivan, and Artem.
For the newly reposed David Driver, Natalia, and the Orthodox who have been slain in the violence in Syria, Lebanon, Ukraine, and the Holy Land.
Expectant Mothers:
Olga Shchepelina, and Daria Pino.
For the Servants of God, Aiden, Ann Kellis; Shawna Hiu; Misty; Harold Wren; Bethany; Shiela; Cecilia Beck; Rohayu; Infant Jared; Laura Odom, Leslie Swain (Ben Bryant’s mother); Melissa Munster (Moses Munster’s mother); Heather Tolliver (Melissa Holloway’s daughter); Pam Morris (Eleanor’s niece); Keaton Munster, Jeff Perkins, John Williams, William Allen (Eleanor’s adopted brother), John Ward (Rdr Demitri Likomitros’ Uncle), King Kotchavar, Debbie, Carol Schwendeman, Sergei Savitski, Donna Beauchamp, Nicoline and Kent, and Mark Reynolds, who are ill.
For Aki and family; and Johnnie.
The Captive Gregorios.
For the safety and salvation of those in Kiev: Lubov.
For the Reposed: Margaret Pennings (Steve Pennings’ mother); Jacob Gonzalez.
If you have prayer requests you would like announced, please e-mail frjohnwhiteford@gmail.com
Sunday School:
Toddlers (2-3): Taught by Mat. Genevieve Companik and Mat. Sara Shephard (meeting in the Narthex).
Children, Age 4-7: Taught by Iryna Chebotko and Lydia Holt (meeting in the Nursery).
Children, Age 8-11: Taught by Mat. Patricia Whiteford and Svetlana Cherskaya.
Teens 12+: Taught by Fr. David Shephard (meeting in the Church).
Teens and Adults: Taught by Tikhon Pino.
The Schedule for February and Great Lent 2020:
The Schedule for Holy Week 2020:
You can also see our online parish calendar of events and services here:
Fasting in the Coming week:
There is no fasting during this week (the week of the Publican and Pharisee).
Click here for Miscellaneous Items of Interest.
St. Jonah Orthodox Church
2910 Spring Cypress Rd, Spring, TX 77388