January 26th, 2025
Stump the Priest: “Question 1: “Should a house be blessed every year?” Question 2: “What should a family do to prepare for a house blessing and what should they expect?” Click here for the Answer.
If you have a question you would like to ask, e-mail frjohnwhiteford@gmail.com
The Orthodox Term of the Week: Tabernacle.
Saints of the Day for Sunday and the coming week, and other edifying reading:
Propers for the Sunday Liturgy (Sunday, January 26th):
You can find propers for other upcoming Liturgies by clicking here, and upcoming Rubrics for services by clicking here.
Schedule of Service for the Coming Week:
| Saturday, February 1st 5:00 p.m. Vigil
| Sunday, February 2nd 9:00 a.m. Hours and Liturgy
The House Blessing Schedule has been posted. Everything on this schedule is tentative, until confirmed with the family in question. If a particular day would work better, let Fr. John know. If you are not listed, suggest a day that will work. If you would like to have your home blessed on the same day as another family or group of families, and then coordinate a meal together, let Fr. John know. If your home has never been blessed before, it can be done any time of the year, so just let Fr. John know when you would like to do it. https://saintjonah.org/bltn/houseblessings2025.htm
There will be a weekly Moleben Reader service on Wednesdays at 6 PM. at 5011 Cypress Willow Drive, Katy, TX 77449. Participants may bring a copy of the Canon to the Theotokos to follow along. We will also have some fellowship afterwards, with some food and drink provided (though others may bring any food/drinks they may like).
Event Planning Committee: We will need to begin working on plans for the 100th anniversary of the repose of St. Jonah. If you would like to participate, please email Fr. John Whiteford.
Annual Meeting: Our Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 23rd, after the Liturgy. If you have a report that needs to be submitted, please email Fr. John Whiteford prior to February 9th.
Parish Council Nominations: If you have anyone you would like to nominate for the Parish Council
The Next Slavonic Liturgy we be on Saturday, March 15th, at 9:00 a.m.
We need volunteers to work on a capital campaign for the construction of the new Church.
Catechumens: If you are a catechumen, or are not a catechumen, but would like to participate in classes for Catechumens, be sure to join the Catechumen io group online.
You can also join the St. Jonah Catechumen group on Telegram.
Our next Catechumen Meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 29th, at 7:00 p.m., via Google Meets: https://meet.google.com/kaa-wywj-fti
To sign-up to be a presenter, click here: https://forms.gle/BE5pWuSAezurtJ1i8
Sisterhood News: As a fund raiser, the Sisterhood is selling Nut Rolls for $7 each.
The Sisterhood Council’s Next Meeting will be on Tuesday, February 18th, at 7:00 p.m. via Google Meets: https://meet.google.com/iji-euja-zym
You can become a Sisterhood member by filling out membership forms online, the paper forms located in the trapeza hall bulletin board. Make sure to join Sisterhood io group online to be up-to-date with all Sisterhood news and announcements.
Brotherhood News: You can join the Brotherhood io group online to keep up with all Brotherhood news and announcements, or follow their Telegram channel.
Parish Finances:
Calendar year to date total (01 January thru December 2024):
Tithes: $248,032.39
Building Fund: $1,098,976.27
For December 2024:
Tithes: $28,281.41
Building Fund: $1,211.99
Average Monthly Expenses $19,840
Recommended Reading for the week:
You can read “On Developing Proper Reason: A Homily for the Feast of St. Theophan the Recluse,” by Fr. Daniel Sysoev, here:
Recommended Listening for the week:
You can listen to “The Epiphany of Grace,” by Fr. John Whiteford, here:
This Sunday: 1/26/25 (No fast): The Wood, Sisco, Jelinek families.
Next Sunday: 2/2/25 (No fast): To be determined.
Cleaning Teams:
Currently: (Ending on): 2/2/25 – Team Nation.
Next (Ending on): 2/16/25 – Team Chebotko.
Vigil Readers:
This Saturday: 1/25/25: Rdr. Moses Munster & Daniel Gonzalez.
Next Saturday: 2/1/25: John Mullins & Rdr. Kodratus Bornejko.
Liturgy Readers:
This Sunday: 1/26/25: Rdr. Moses Munster & Daniel Gonzalez.
Next Sunday: 2/2/25: John Mullins & Rdr. Kodratus Bornejko.
Servers (Not including Adult Servers):
This Sunday: 1/26/25: Team A: Jonah Companik, Daniel Companik, Jens Yates, John Turner, and Levi (Nicholas) Moreno.
Next Sunday: 2/2/25: Team B: Alex Kettner, Andrew Kettner, Ivan Kuzmin, Padraig McIsaac, Ezra Wilkinson.
Commemorations from the past week:
The Newly Illumined James Hanson, and his sponsor Rdr. Kodratus Bornejko.
John West, Jonathan de Carion, Ivan Kuzmin, & Billy Gene Holloway’s Name day – Monday, January 20th.
Deacon David Shephard’s Birthday – Tuesday, January 21st.
Vladimir Ivanov’s Birthday – Thursday, January 23rd.
Levi Walling& Rishi Singh’s Birthday & Fr. David & Matushka Genevieve Companik’s Wedding Anniversary – Friday, January 24th.
Matushka Tatiana Trussin, Tatiana Galitzine Sierra’s Name day; Hannah (Evyn) Locke’s Birthday – Saturday, January 25th.
If you have corrections or additions, e-mail frjohnwhiteford@gmail.com
Prayer Requests:
For the Servants of God, Archimandrite Benedict (Nelson); Archpriest Andre Papkov; Priest Benigno Pardo; Deacon Vladimir Trussin; Deacon Jorge Luque-Martin; Presbytera Sarah Trembley; Thekla Podrasky; Ann (Sonia) Shepherd; Subdeacon Romanos and Zoe Wren; Denise (Leslie) Barnett; Marina Watson; Demetra Durham; Sophia (Cynthia) Hirsch; Joan Marie Pennings; Katherine Garbett Casanova; Renee (Ann) Nahlous; Maximus (Garrett) and Merilee (Mary) Eidson; Rozanne (Anne) and Jerry (John Herman) Spires; Michael Murphy; Aleksandra Murphy; Valentin, Rada and Florentina, Sophia Petropoulos, Olga, Nathaniel (Barrett) Mahand, Eliasious, Rdr. John Economou, Robert McIsaac, Galina Lay, Lisa (Euphemia) Bornejko, Cosmas (Spencer) Burton, Jeffery Gallagher, Savva (Tyler) Barrett, Dennis Tilley, Rdr. Gabriel Peña, Nun Barbara (Watts), John Watts, John Lickwar, Sophia Drobot, Mikhaela (Jennifer) Diaz, Svetlana, Gerald Campbell, Elizabeth De Carion, Daniel McLellan, Lydia Chernousova, Caison Elisabeth Kellam, Anna Krutova, Stephanos Rosseau, Josiah Plumley, Christopher Gulden, Aleksander, Karen Vincent, and the soldier Aleksandr who are ill.
For Nikolai, who is struggling.
For Justin and Nadezhda who are suffering persecution.
For the safety and salvation of those in Ukraine: Vladimir, Yelena, Tatiana, Denis, Sophia, Soldier Alexei, Maria, Ivan, and Artem; and Dimitriy.
For newly reposed servants of God: Archbishop Anastasios, Alexander Olhovsky, Alexander, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Thaissia Fedorov, Andrey, and those slain in the fighting in Ukraine, Russia, Syria, and the Holy Land.
Expectant Mothers:
Filofteia Fraczek, Caitlin Zelesnik, Emilia Mullins, Adriane, Elizaveta Dydyshka Wood, Laura Ibañez, Amanda Gulden, and Lydia West.
Howard Segal, Deborah and Alexander Gessell; Savita Bhatti; Jessica Palmer; John Nowak, Anne Nowak; Sean Elliott Burley; Thomas Maroney, Nolan (Silouan) Boe, Nicholas Bruschi; Kristofer Sean Hutter; John Ryan Levy; Mark and Brianna Ivanyo; Benjamin Grosvenor; James, Diana, Caspian (Cassian), and Beauregard Bartholomew Shepard; Aaron Lockhart; David Tyler Sprencel, and Richard and Dora Risner.
For the Servants of God, Aiden, Shawna Hiu; Misty; Harold Wren; Melissa Munster (Moses Munster’s mother); Heather Tolliver (Melissa Holloway’s daughter); Gene and Beth Beggs, Scott and Carol Phillips, Ana Crespo, Liza, Aida Diaz, Antonio, John Lay, Jennie Mobley, Kathleen Sorrentino, Andrea Engelke, Robin Nicole Thomson McMillin, Julie Nelson, Charlotte LeBlanc, Kent and Nicoline, Lara Regis, Piotr Fraczek, Ana Maria, Sean and Audrey, who are ill.
For the Bruto da Costa family, Ken, Christina, Aki and family; and Johnnie, Damon and Elisabeth Myers, and their child, Dorothy, James Franklin and his family, Marcie Dark, Tim, Karen, Taylor, Lindsay, Jon, Alex, and Andrew Burns, Audrey and Michael Morgan, Michelle Brazzil, and Hurucaan Valerio.
For the repose of Mark Haller.
If you have prayer requests you would like announced, please e-mail frjohnwhiteford@gmail.com
Sunday School:
Children, Ages 3-4: Taught by Matushka Genevieve and Elizabeth De’Carion.
Children, Ages 5-6: Taught by Iryna Chebotko and Monica Moreno.
Children, Ages 7-9: Taught by Mat. Sara Shephard and Angela Daniel.
Children, Ages 10-12: Taught by Danny Gonzalez.
Teens and Adults: Taught by Fr. John Whiteford.
Schedule of Services for February 2025 through the end of Lent 2025:
You can also see our online parish calendar of events and services here:
Fasting in the Coming week: On Wednesday, January 29th; and Friday, January 31st, wine and oil are permitted. All other days are fast free.
Click here for Miscellaneous Items of Interest.
St. Jonah Orthodox Church
2910 Spring Cypress Rd, Spring, TX 77388