November 14th, 2021
Stuff from the Priest: Sola Scriptura In the Vanity of Their Minds. Click here for the Article in English. Click here for the article in Russian.
If you have a question you would like to ask, e-mail
Saints of the Day for Sunday and the coming week, and other edifying reading:
Requires Adobe Acrobat reader (which is free to download):
Propers for the Sunday Liturgy (Sunday, November 14th):
You can find propers for other upcoming Liturgies by clicking here, and upcoming Rubrics for services by clicking here.
Schedule of Service for the Coming Week:
Saturday, November 20th | 10:00 a.m. Baptism
5:00 p.m. Vigil |
Sunday, November 21st | 9:00 a.m. Hours & Liturgy |
We will be taking a special collection this Sunday, for a family in the parish that has a pressing financial need due to a serious long term illness. If you write a check, or send in a payment electronically, please mark it as “Family in Need.”
If you would like to be part of a Youth Committee, to help plan youth events, please let Fr. John Whiteford know.
We need one more volunteer to form cleaning teams for the Church. Each team covers 2 weeks. If we get 2 or 3 new teams, each team would only have to cover this once a quarter.
We will have our next Bible study on the Book of Acts, in the parish hall on Tuesday, November 16th, at 7:00 p.m. We will have Small Compline at 6:15 p.m., followed by refreshments and then start the Bible Study at 7:00 p.m. However, for those who cannot come in person, they can participate via Google Meets by logging in at 7:00 p.m. at this link:
Vigil Coffee Roasters. Fresh, batch roasted, single origin coffee subscriptions available from Christopher Morgan. $15/bag for pickup and $18/bag mailed. For those interested, you can order from Christopher by email at, or text 314-795-3897.
The next online Catechumen Meeting will be Wednesday, December 8th, at 7:00 p.m. and will be held via Google Meets:
The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Thursday, November 18th, at 7:00 p.m.
The next Slavonic Liturgy will be Saturday, November 13th, at 9:00 a.m.
You will find texts for reader services that you can do at home through the 25th Sunday after Pentecost (December 12th), here:
Bookstore News: We have many new titles in.
Sisterhood News: The next Sisterhood Council meeting will be held on Friday, December 17th, at 7:00 p.m.
Parish Finances:
Calendar year to date total (01 January thru 31 September 2021):
Tithes: $141,241.00
Building Fund: $270,288.00
For September 2021:
Tithes: $8,268.00
Building Fund: $918.00
Average Monthly Expenses $13,252.00
Recommended Reading for the week:
You can read “Let Us Learn to Pray,” by St. Theophan the Recluse: here:
Recommended Listening for the week:
You can listen to the sermon “No Other Gospel: Galaitians 1,” by Fr. Josiah Trenham, here:
Trapeza (to pick your weekend, sign up here):
This Sunday:11/14/21 (No Fast): Stanislav Kuzmin Svetlana Cherskaya.
Next Sunday: 11/21/21 (No Fast): Daniela Mocofan.
Cleaning Teams:
Currently: (Ending on): 11/14/21 – Team Kara.
Next (Ending on): 11/28/21 – Team Dee Dee.
Vigil Reader:
This Saturday: 11/13/21: Rdr. Joshua Gonzales.
Next Saturday: 11/20/21: Rdr. Moses Munster.
Liturgy Reader:
This Sunday: 11/14/21: Rdr. Joshua Gonzales.
Next Sunday: 11/21/21: Rdr. Moses Munster.
Servers (Not including Adult Servers):
This Sunday: 11/14/21: Team B: Padraig McIsaac, Ezra Wilkinson, Ezekiel Wilkinson, Alex Kettner and Andrew Kettner.
Next Sunday: 11/21/21: Team A: Jonah Companik, Daniel Companik, Jens Yates, Nikolai Pino, Eric Lickwar, Ivan Kuzmin.
Commemorations from the past week:
Demetra Durham’s Name day / Galina Lay’s Birthday – Monday, November 8th.
Deacon Vladimir & Diakonissa Tatiana Trussin’s Wedding Anniversary – Tuesday, November 9th.
Jacob (John) & Olesya (Ksenia) Kettner’s Wedding Anniversary; Michel Jabbour’s Birthday – Wednesday, November 10th.
Maleiah Morgan’s Birthday; Stanislav Kuzmin’s Name Day; [Catechumens: Avie and Levi Walling’s Wedding Anniversary] – Saturday, November 13th
Robert McIsaac & Noah Charytoniuk’s Birthday & Fr. Benigno Pardo’s Name day – Sunday, November 14th.
If you have corrections or additions, e-mail
Prayer Requests:
For the Servants of God, Archimandrite Benedict (Nelson); Archpriest Andre Papkov; Matushka Margarita Pardo; Thekla Podrasky; Ann (Eleanor) Wandke; Ann (Sonia) Shepherd; Zoe Wren; Denise (Leslie) Barnett; Marina Watson; Demetra Durham; Sophia (Cynthia) Hirsch; Joan Marie Pennings; Katherine Garbett Casanova; Renee (Ann) Nahlous; Merilee (Mary) Eidson; Jerry (John Herman) Spires; Michael Murphy; and John Gentry, who are ill.
For Nikolai, who is struggling.
For the safety and salvation of those in Kiev: Vladimir, Yelena, Tatiana, Alexei, Maria, Ivan, and Artem.
For the newly reposed Archimandrite Job (Kotenko), Ekaterina, Marianthe, Anastasia, and the Orthodox who have perished in the pandemic, and those slain in the violence in Syria, Lebanon, Ukraine, and the Holy Land.
Expectant Mothers:
Xenia Evind, Lydia Martin, Nina Bernardi.
Jonathan Cantao, Tristan Scott, Jessica Kravtsov, Marcus Ballentine, Piotr Fraczek, Tyler Barrett, Ethan Peterson, Annie Nowak, Jayden DeRosia, George Hixson, Jennifer Diaz, and the Powell (James, Katie, James, Everett, Charles, Russel, Henry, and Samson) and Walling (Levi, Avie, Mac, Wells, Bayla) families.
For the Servants of God, Aiden, Shawna Hiu; Misty; Harold Wren; Melissa Munster (Moses Munster’s mother); Heather Tolliver (Melissa Holloway’s daughter); Pam Morris (Eleanor’s niece); Zee Eidson, Michael and Brenda Eidson, For the child Mason Eidson, Gene and Beth Beggs, Scott and Carol Phillips, Jerald Spires, Sr., Shane and Tami Peacock, Larry West, who are ill.
For Aki and family; and Johnnie, Damon and Elisabeth Myers, and their child, Dorothy, Scott and Shannon Eidson and their family, James Franklin and his family, Wayne Bo Peacock, Vince Powell, and his child, Rex, Richard, Teresa.
The newly reposed Leeroy Dierking (Andrew de Carion’s grandfather).
If you have prayer requests you would like announced, please e-mail
Sunday School:
Toddlers (2-3): Mat. Genevieve Companik and Elizabeth DeCarion.
Children, Age 4-6: Taught by Iryna Chebotko and Vera Yates.
Children, Age 7-8: Taught by Mat. Sara Shephard and Jacob Kettner.
Children, Age 9-12: Taught by John Kettner.
Teens 13+: Taught by Christopher Cline and Fr. David Shephard (meeting in the Church).
Teens and Adults: Taught by Tikhon Pino.
The Schedule for November 2021 through January 2022:
You can also see our online parish calendar of events and services here:
Fasting in the Coming week: Wednesday, November 17th is a normal fast day. On Friday, November 19th, wine and oil is permitted. All other days are fast free.
Click here for Miscellaneous Items of Interest.
St. Jonah Orthodox Church
2910 Spring Cypress Rd, Spring, TX 77388