October 1st, 2023
Stuff from the Priest: King James English and Orthodox Worship. Click here for the Article.
If you have a question you would like to ask, e-mail frjohnwhiteford@gmail.com
Saints of the Day for Sunday and the coming week, and other edifying reading:
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Propers for the Sunday Liturgy (Sunday, October 1st):
You can find propers for other upcoming Liturgies by clicking here, and upcoming Rubrics for services by clicking here.
Schedule of Service for the Coming Week:
Saturday, October 7th | 5:00 p.m. Vigil |
Sunday, October 8th
9:00 a.m. Hours and Liturgy
1:00 p.m. Moleben with Akathist for the Kursk Icon |
We will be taking a special collection to help the suffering people of the Canonical Church in Ukraine this Sunday (and on the first Sunday of each month). If you write a check, or send in a payment electronically, please put “Ukraine” in the memo line. We will send the money to Metropolitan Onuphry.
The Kursk Icon will be at our parish on Sunday, October 8th.
Our next Bible Study will be held on Thursday, October 5th at 7:00 p.m. We will be studying the Gospel of Luke, Chapters 10 and 11, beginning with Luke 10:21. For those appearing in person, we will have Small Compline at 6:15 p.m., followed by Refreshments. For those appearing via Google Meets, they can log in at https://meet.google.com/gax-xaxv-tsu
The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Tuesday, October 31st, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting will be held via Google Meets: https://meet.google.com/xss-zgrp-pad
The Next Slavonic Liturgy we be on Saturday, October 28th, at 9:00 a.m.
Catechumens: The next online Catechumen Meeting will be on Wednesday, October 11th, at 7:00 p.m. and will be held via Google Meets: https://meet.google.com/pxp-xdcy-vyk/a>
If you are a catechumen, or are not a catechumen, but would like to participate in classes for Catechumens, be sure to joine the Catechumen io group online.
Sisterhood News: The next Sisterhood Meeting will be held on Thursday, October 26th. All the women of the Sisterhood are invited to attend.
Family Promise: We will be collecting supplies like paper towels, laundry products, and household cleaners to benefit Family Promise, a local shelter that exclusively helps families with children facing homelessness. Items will be collected in the Parish Hall. The last day to bring donations is Sunday October 15th.
You can become a Sisterhood member by filling out membership forms online, the paper forms located in the trapeza hall bulletin board. Make sure to join Sisterhood io group online to be up-to-date with all Sisterhood news and announcements.
Brotherhood News: You can join the Brotherhood io group online to keep up with all Brotherhood news and announcements, or follow their Telegram channel.
Parish Finances:
Calendar year to date total (01 January thru 31st August 2023):
Tithes: $126,399.27
Building Fund: $13,309.57
For August 2023:
Tithes: $12,086.67
Building Fund: $1,252.25
Average Monthly Expenses $13,252.00
Recommended Reading for the week:
You can read “The Wonderworking Kursk Icon of Our Lady of the Sign,” here:
Recommended Viewing for the week:
You can listen to the sermon “I No Longer Live,” by Fr. Josiah Tranham, here:
This Sunday: 10/1/23 (No fast): The Chrisanthus, Ely, and Peña families .
Next Sunday: 10/8/23 (No fast): The Wilkinson, Gonzalez, and Mullins families .
Cleaning Teams:
Currently: (Ending on): 10/1/23 – Team Marcus.
Next (Ending on): 10/15/23 – Team Kara.
Vigil Reader:
This Saturday: 9/30/23: Daniel Gonzalez.
Next Saturday: 10/7/23: Nikolai Goldmann.
Liturgy Reader:
This Sunday: 10/1/23: Daniel Gonzalez.
Next Sunday: 10/8/23: Nikolai Goldmann.
Servers (Not including Adult Servers):
This Sunday: 10/1/23: Team A: Jonah Companik, Daniel Companik, Jens Yates, and Levi (Nicholas) Moreno.
Next Sunday: 10/8/23: Team B: Alex Kettner, Andrew Kettner, Ivan Kuzmin, Padraig McIsaac, Ezra Wilkinson.
Commemorations from the past week:
Douglas Inferrera Jr’s Birthday – Tuesday, September 26th.
Nikitas Stevens’ Name day – Thursday, September 28th.
Lyudmyla Solovey’s Name Day; Eric Thomas Lickwar’s Birthday – Friday, September 29th.
Hope Vilcu-Craig, Vera Nation, Sophie Koulikova, Sophia Cynthia Hirsch, Vera & Sophia Yate’s Name day – Saturday, September 30th.
Christina and Daniel Maziol’s Wedding Anniversary – Sunday, October 1st.
If you have corrections or additions, e-mail frjohnwhiteford@gmail.com
Prayer Requests:
For the Servants of God, Archimandrite Benedict (Nelson); Archpriest Andre Papkov; Priest Benigno Pardo; Deacon Vladimir Trussin; Thekla Podrasky; Ann (Eleanor) Wandke; Ann (Sonia) Shepherd; Subdeacon Romanos and Zoe Wren; Denise (Leslie) Barnett; Marina Watson; Demetra Durham; Sophia (Cynthia) Hirsch; Joan Marie Pennings; Katherine Garbett Casanova; Renee (Ann) Nahlous; Merilee (Mary) Eidson; Rozanne (Anne) and Jerry (John Herman) Spires; Michael Murphy; Valentin, Rada and Florentina, Sophia Petropoulos, Olga, Nathaniel (Barrett) Mahand, Eliasious, Rdr. John Economou, Robert McIsaac, Galina Lay, Rdr. Joshua Gonzales, Lisa (Euphemia) Bornejko, Cosmas (Spencer) Burton, Jeffery Gallagher, Suzannah Soloviev, Savva (Tyler) Barrett, Dennis Tilley, Rdr. Gabriel Peña, John Watts, Sophia Drobot, Mikhaela (Jennifer) Diaz, Svetlana, and the child Caison Elisabeth Kellam, who are ill.
For Nikolai, who is struggling.
For the safety and salvation of those in Kiev: Vladimir, Yelena, Tatiana, Soldier Alexei, Maria, Ivan, and Artem.
For the newly reposed Matushka Katherine Swanson, and those slain in the fighting in Ukraine, Russia, and Syria.
Expectant Mothers:
Elizabeth Cline, Emilia Mullins, Vera Yates, Rachel Sisco, Lydia Martin, and Presbytera Christina Solis.
Howard Segal, Deborah and Alexander Gessell, Adriane Melnyczuk, William Chandonia, Sabina Centinia, Christine Kim; Nina and Gerasimos Spiers; Josiah Plumley; Kashif (Jude) Bhatti; Jessica Palmer; Janos Roszik; Dennis, Angela and Torin Daniel; Justin, Ashley, Caroline, and John Turner, Alex Trevino, Moses Abishai Bhatti, John Nowak, and Anne Nowak.
For the Servants of God, Aiden, Shawna Hiu; Misty; Harold Wren; Melissa Munster (Moses Munster’s mother); Heather Tolliver (Melissa Holloway’s daughter); Pam Morris (Eleanor’s niece); Zee Eidson, Michael and Brenda Eidson, for the child Mason Eidson, Gene and Beth Beggs, Scott and Carol Phillips, Jerald Spires, Shane and Tami Peacock, Larry West, Ana Crespo, Liza, Aida Diaz, Antonio, John Lay, Jennie Mobley, Linda Ballentine, Kathleen Sorrentino, Andrea Engelke, Robin Nicole Thomson McMillin and Ernest Sibley, who are ill.
For the Bruto da Costa family, Ken, Christina, Aki and family; and Johnnie, Damon and Elisabeth Myers, and their child, Dorothy, Scott and Shannon Eidson and their family, James Franklin and his family, Wayne Bo Peacock, Vince Powell and his child Rex, Richard, Teresa. Marcie Dark, Tim, Karen, Taylor, Lindsay, Jon, Alex, and Andrew Burns, and Michelle Brazzil.
If you have prayer requests you would like announced, please e-mail frjohnwhiteford@gmail.com
Sunday School:
Children, Ages 3-4: Taught by Mat. Genevieve Companik.
Children, Ages 5-6: Taught by Iryna Chebotko.
Children, Ages 7-9: Taught by Mat. Sara Shephard.
Children, Ages 10-12: Taught by Danny Gonzales.
Teens and Adult: Taught by Fr. John Whiteford.
Schedule of Services for August through October 2023:
You can also see our online parish calendar of events and services here:
Fasting in the Coming week: On Wednesday, October 4th; and Friday, October 6th, fish, wine and oil are permitted. All other days are fast free.
Click here for Miscellaneous Items of Interest.
St. Jonah Orthodox Church
2910 Spring Cypress Rd, Spring, TX 77388