Tone 3
Ode 1. The Sun once shone with its rays upon dry land /
in the midst of the deep. /
For the water on both sides became firm as a wall /
while the people crossed the sea on foot, /
offering this song acceptable to God: //
Let us sing to the Lord; for gloriously is he glorified.
Ode 3. O Lord, the firm foundation of those that put their trust in Thee, /
do Thou confirm the Church, //
which Thou hast purchased with thy precious blood.
Ode 4. Thy virtue, O Christ, hath covered the heavens, /
for proceeding forth from the Ark of Thy sanctification, /
from Thine undefiled Mother, /
Thou hast appeared in the temple of Thy glory as an infant in arms, //
and the whole world hath been filled with Thy praise.
Ode 5. In a figure Isaiah saw God upon a throne,/
lifted up on high and borne in triumph by angels of glory; /
and he cried: ‘Woe is me! /
For I have seen beforehand God made flesh, //
Lord of the light that knows no evening and King of peace.’
Ode 6. The Elder, having seen with his eyes /
the salvation that was to come to the peoples, /
cried aloud unto Thee: //
‘O Christ that comest from God, Thou art my God.’
Ode 7. O Word of God who in the midst of the fire /
hast dropped dew upon the children /
as they discoursed on things divine, /
and Who hast taken up Thy dwelling in the pure Virgin: /
Thee do we praise as with piety we sing: //
O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou.
Ode 8. Standing together in the unbearable fire, /
yet not harmed by the flame, /
the children, champions of godliness, sang a divine hymn: /
O all ye works of the Lord, //
bless ye the Lord and exalt Him above all for ever.
Ode 9. In the shadow and the letter of the Law, /
let us, the faithful, discern a figure: /
every male child that opens the womb /
shall be sanctified to God. /
Therefore do we magnify the firstborn Word /
and Son of the Father without beginning, //
the firstborn Child of a Mother who hath not known a man.