Tone 4
Ode 1. Having traversed the depths of the Red Sea with dryshod feet, /
Israel of old vanquished the might of Amalek in the wilderness //
by Moses’ arms stretched out in the form of the Cross.
Ode 3. Thy Church rejoiceth in Thee, O Christ, /
crying aloud: /
Thou art my strength, O Lord, //
my refuge and my consolation!
Ode 4. Beholding Thee lifted up upon the Cross, /
O Sun of righteousness, /
the Church stood rooted in place, /
crying out as is meet: //
Glory to Thy power, O Lord!
Ode 5. Thou hast come, O my Lord, /
as a light into the world: /
a holy light turning from the darkness of ignorance //
those who hymn Thee with faith.
Ode 6. I will sacrifice to Thee with a voice of praise, O Lord, /
the Church crieth unto Thee, /
cleansed of the blood of demons //
by the blood which, for mercy’s sake, flowed from Thy side.
Ode 7. The children of Abraham in the Persian furnace, /
afire with love of piety more than with the flame, cried out: //
Blessed art Thou in the temple of Thy glory, O Lord!
Ode 8. Stretching forth his hands, /
Daniel shut the lions’ mouths in the pit; /
and the young lovers of piety, /
girded about with virtue, /
quenched the power of the fire, crying out: //
Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!
Ode 9. Christ, the Chief Cornerstone /
uncut by human hands, /
Who united the two disparate natures, /
was cut from thee, the unquarried mountain, O Virgin. //
Wherefore, in gladness we magnify thee, O Theotokos.