Tone 2
Note: According to the Great Horologion, these Katavasia are chanted as follows: On January 1, 6, and 14, both sets of Katavasia are chanted; from January 2 to the 5, the first set is used only; from January 7-13, the second set is used only. According to the Order of Divine Services from St. John of Kronstadt Press, only the first set is used from the 1st to the 14th, but on the feast, both are used. Also, according to the Great Horologion the second set is chanted in the 6th tone, but according to the Festal Menaion, it is in the same tone as the first set.
Ode 1. The Lord mighty in battle * uncovered the foundation of the deep * and led His servants on dry ground; * but He covered their adversaries with the waters, * for He hath been glorified.
Israel passed through the storm-tossed deep of the sea that God had turned into dry land; but the dark waters completely covered the chief captains of Egypt in a watery grave through the mighty strength of the right hand of the master.
Ode 3. The Lord who granteth strength unto our kings, and exalteth the horn of His anointed, * is born of a Virgin and cometh unto baptism. * Therefore let us, the faithful, cry aloud: * None is holy as our God * and none is righteous save Thee, O Lord.
From the ancient snares have we all been set loose, and the jaws of the devouring lions have been broken: Let us, then rejoice exceedingly and open wide our mouths, weaving with words a melody to the Word Whose delight it is to bestow gifts upon us.
Ode 4. He whom Thou hast called, O Lord, ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness,’ * heard Thy voice when Thou hast thundered upon many waters, * bearing witness to Thy Son. * Wholly filled with the Spirit that had come, he cried aloud: * ‘Thou art Christ, the wisdom and the power of God.’
Cleansed by the fire of a mystic vision the Prophet sang the praises of the renewal of mortal man. Filled with the inspiration of the Spirit, he raised his voice, telling of the incarnation of the ineffable word, Who hath shattered the dominion of the mighty.
Ode 5. Jesus, the Prince of Life, hath come to set loose from condemnation Adam the first-formed man; * and though as God He needeth no cleansing, * yet for the sake of fallen man He is cleansed in the Jordan. * In its streams He slew the enmity * and bestoweth the peace that passeth all understanding.
By the cleansing of the Spirit have we been washed from the poison of the dark and unclean enemy, and we have set out upon a new path free from error, that leads to gladness of heart past all attainment, which only they attain whom God hath reconciled unto Himself.
Ode 6. The Voice of the Word, the Candlestick of the Light, the Morning Star and Forerunner of the Sun, * cried in the wilderness to all the peoples: * ‘Repent and be cleansed while there is yet time. * For lo, Christ is at hand, * Who delivereth the world from corruption.
The Father in a voice full of joy made manifest His Beloved Whom He had begotten from the womb. ‘Verily,’ said He, ‘this is My offspring, of the same nature as Myself: bearing light, He hath come forth from mankind, My living Word, in the divine providence made a mortal man.’
Ode 7. The breath of the wind heavy with dew * and the descent of the angel of God preserved the Holy Children from all harm, * as they walked in the fiery furnace. Refreshed with dew in the flames, * they sang in thanksgiving: * ‘Blessed art Thou and praised above all, O Lord God of our fathers.’
He who stilled the heat of the flame of the furnace that mounted high in the air and encircled the godly Children, burnt the heads of the dragons in the streams of the Jordan: and He doth wash away with the dew of the Spirit all the stubborn gloom that sinning doth engender.
Ode 8. The Babylonian furnace, as it poured forth dew, foreshadowed a marvelous mystery: * how the Jordan should receive in its streams the immaterial fire, * and should encompass the Creator, * when He was baptized in the flesh. * Him do ye peoples bless and exalt above all for ever.
The creation finds itself set free, and those in darkness are now made sons of the light: alone the prince of darkness groaneth. Let all the inheritance of the nations, that was before in misery, now bless with eagerness Him Who hath wrought this change.
Ode 9. Every tongue is at a loss to praise thee as is due: * even a spirit from the world above is filled with dizziness, when it seeketh to sing thy praises, O Theotokos. * But since thou art good, accept our faith: * Thou knowest well our love inspired by God, * for thou art the Protector of Christians and we magnify thee.
O most pure Bride, O blessed Mother, the wonders of Thy birthgiving pass all understanding. Through thee we have obtained salvation in all things, and, as it is right and meet, we rejoice before thee our Benefactor, bearing as gift a song of thanksgiving.